通过“物流可持续燃料”研究,德国邮政敦豪集团介绍了该行业的趋势和发展现状,比较和了各自驱动的优缺点,并分享了其实际应用的经验。来自科学界、协会和非组织(ngo) 的专家就可持续燃料的可能用途和当前局限性提供了见解。10 月初,德国邮政 dhl 集团在宣布其新的“2025年战略”时重申了可持续性的重要性。
“我们希望将人们联系起来并改善他们的生活。对于集团而言,这早已包括环境和气候保护,”德国邮政敦豪集团执行官弗兰克·阿佩尔(frank appel) 说。“我们的目标是到 2050年实现零排放物流。但仅靠效率措施和现代化车队无法实现这一目标。我们还需要加快从化石燃料向清洁替代能源的转变。这就是为什么政治、商业和科学界之间强有力的跨境和跨部门合作如此重要的原因,”他解释道。
电动汽车是交通领域的技术。但它的使用目前于 短程运输。
植物基生物燃料的生产不应导致单一栽培以及对农田和雨林的破坏 。
今天可用的一些替代燃料已经可以帮助显着减少排放,而只需对发动机和基础设施进行少量改造或无需改造。对生物燃料的可用性和可持续性的担忧导致人们对所谓的电子燃料越来越感兴趣。这些合成燃料可由可再生能源和二氧化碳(co2)生产。“对于电子燃料,有很多话要说。它们可以无缝集成到现有车辆和基础设施中。目前它们在经济上没有竞争力。与电动汽车一样,仍然没有足够的绿色电力来确保其生产真正实现气候中和,”德国邮政敦豪集团人力资源和企业孵化部劳工总监兼董事会成员thomas ogilvie 博士解释说, 他于 10 月下旬在柏林举行的 aireg – 2019年可持续航空燃料会议上介绍了该研究的结果。“我们相信合成燃料将在未来五到十年内达到大众市场的可行性。在我们看来,进展将取决于跨界、跨部门的方法和全球标准的制定,以促进国际上可持续燃料的生产和使用,”ogilvie补充道。
while physical logistics networks remain indispensable,electrification in local transport is already making an importantcontribution to the achievement of the energy turnaround today.however, commercial use of electric drive on long-haul andheavy-duty routes is not yet feasible. this is where sustainablefuels play a crucial role as they could be pivotal in reducing theclimate impact of transport emissions.
with the “sustainable fuels for logistics” study, deutsche postdhl group presents the current status of trends and developments inthe sector, compares and evaluates the advantages and disadvantagesof the respective drives, and shares its experiences from practicalapplication. in addition, experts from science, associations andnon-governmental organizations (ngos) provide insights into thepossible uses and current limitations of sustainable fuels. at thebeginning of october deutsche post dhl group reiterated theimportance of sustainability as it announced its new “strategy2025”.
“we want to connect people and improve their lives. and for thegroup, this has long since included environmental and climateprotection,” says frank appel, ceo of deutsche post dhl group. “ouraim is to achieve zero-emission logistics by 2050. but this goalcannot be achieved with efficiency measures and a modern fleetalone. we also need to accelerate the transition from fossil fuelsto clean alternative energy sources. this is why, strongcross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation between the political,business and scientific communities is so crucial,” heexplains.
key findings of the study:
e-mobility is the technology of choice in the transport sector.but its use is currently restricted to short-range transports.
drop-in fuels are compatible with current technology and canreplace fossil fuels.
non-drop-in fuels require modified engines or new technology.
second-generation biofuels and e-fuels are beginning to gain afoothold.
biofuels and energy must come from renewable sources.
production of plant-based biofuels should not lead tomonocultures and the destruction of crop land and rain forests.
progress can only be accelerated through dialogue and coordinatedaction.
a global knowledge base is needed if we are to develop commonstandards.
economic incentives could remove barriers for companies.
some of the alternative fuels available today can already helpsignificantly reduce emissions with minor or no modifications toengines and infrastructures. concerns about the availability andsustainability of biofuels are leading to a growing interest inwhat are known as e-fuels. these synthetic fuels can be producedfrom renewable energies and carbon dioxide (co2). “there's a lot tobe said for e-fuels. they can be seamlessly integrated intoexisting vehicles and infrastructure. at present, however, they arenot economically competitive. and, as with e-mobility, there isstill not enough green electricity available to ensure that theirproduction really is climate-neutral,” explains dr. thomas ogilvie,labor director and board member for human resources and corporateincubations at deutsche post dhl group, who presented the study’sfindings in berlin at the aireg – conference for sustainableaviation fuel 2019 in late october. “we believe synthetic fuelswill reach mass market viability in the next five to ten years. inour view, progress will depend on a cross-border, cross-sectoralapproach and the development of global standards to promote theproduction and use of sustainable fuels internationally,” ogilvieadds.